The Whole Story

There has been a big push in recent weeks to “save adoptions” by telling the State Department they shouldn’t authorize IAAME to be the new Accrediting Entity (AE) and that it is wrong to ask the AE to enforce the adoption regulations.  The press is replete with news of adoptions coming to an end because of these upcoming changes.

Which just shows you should not believe everything you hear.  Unfortunately, the press and other outlets have not done a good job of telling the full story, likely because there is an agenda behind these stories.  We think it is important for people to be fully informed, especially when it comes to the issue of adoption.  So we made this 9 minute video.  Please watch and pass it on.

And because we believe in transparency, these are the sources for the statistics and quotes in the video:

Foreign Policy “Anatomy of an Adoption Crisis” by E.J. Graff
Thanh Nien News “Ethnic minority parents lose children to adoption scam
The Telegraph “Vietnamese doctors ‘sold’ babies for overseas adoptions” by Ian MacKinnon
The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism “Adoption: Vietnam” (documents, articles, resources)

The Telegraph “Guatemalan mother reunited with baby stolen and sold for adoption by US couple” by Philip Sherwell
Associated Press “Adoptions of Guatemalan Babies In Limbo
ABCNews “U.S. Adoptions Fueled by Guatemalan Kidnapping” by Haroldo Martinez and Russell Goldman
The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism “Adoption: Guatemala” (documents, articles, resources)

Pacific Standard “They Steal Babies, Don’t They?” by EJ Graff
The Atlantic “How Ethiopia’s Adoption Industry Dupes Families and Bullies Activists” by Kathryn Joyce
Reuters “Ethiopia adoption ban may curb trafficking, but poorest families need support” by Nita Bhalla
The Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism “Adoption: Ethiopia” (documents, articles, resources)

CNN Investigations “Kids for sale: ‘My mom was tricked’ ” by Randi Kaye and Wayne Drash “FBI raids Strongsville-based international adoption agency as part of criminal probe” by Eric Heisig
Department of State “Summary of Standards Violated

Richard Klarberg Statement 2006 – C-SPAN clip
Department of State “Adoption Notice: Council on Accreditation Statement of October 6, 2017

Department of State “Adoption Notice: FAQ: Newly Designated Accrediting Entity, IAAME”  and “Letter to Prospective Adoptive Parents about the IAAME Fee Schedule
Additional source: DOS Stakeholder Call with IAAME President, Stephen Pennypacker



Advocacy-Chosing An Agency-Ethics-Experiences-Hague-In The News-The Process-Tools & Resources-US Department of State

2 Responses

  1. $500.00 increase is not acceptable, it “may” increase adoption, It “could” open more countries up.

    The reason many people including myself have not adopted again, is the money it is just too expensive
    so adding any fee ( even for the children) is too much of a fee.

    And the fact that most children coming from these countries have special needs, is turning many couples away. No more middle men needed, as far as I am concerned!!!

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