Posts by jena

Vietam’s Ministry of Justice posts new adoption law

As posted on the MOJ website: Law on Child Adoption No. 52/2010/QH12 was just passed[…]

Going to the Source: Troubling Trends in ____________

Document Number: 2007HANOI01834 From: American Embassy in Hanoi To: Secretary of State Washington DC Date:[…]

Vietnam Law Change may affect adoptions in Ireland

According to the The Post I.E., the change in Vietnamese law may allow Irish adoptions[…]

Vietnam Adoptions: One agency’s perspective and future outlook.

In August 2009, Pearl S. Buck International’s Program director for Nepal, Philippines, SWAN, Post-Permanency, and[…]

UNICEF Report and its impact

There were two articles in Irish publications this week that referenced UNICEF’s report on Vietnamese[…]