Vietnam Law Change may affect adoptions in Ireland

According to the The Post I.E., the change in Vietnamese law may allow Irish adoptions to resume.  While this has no direct correlation on what happens with U.S. adoptions, the law change to comply with Hague Convention standards could affect the ability for U.S. to be able to process adoptions from Vietnam in the future.

Today The Post I.E. reported that;

Vietnam decided last week to pass legislation to ensure that its laws comply with the convention.

Ireland is due to ratify the convention when the new Adoption Bill comes into force in the autumn. The bill is to be considered by the Dáil this week.

A spokeswoman for Andrews said: ”˜”˜In the event that both Ireland and Vietnam ratify the convention, there is every reason to expect that adoptions from Vietnam could re-commence, subject to the provisions of the convention being met in this regard.”



One response

  1. I haven’t read the new law passed but have heard of some who have. I’d like to hear from anyone who has read it, and is knowledgeable of the Hague requirements, to see if in their opinion this new law does meet the Hague requirements. Granted, the law would still have to be implemented as written and a new agreement signed before anything could happen with US/VN adoptions. But I would still love to hear opinions if this new law does meet/come close to Hague requirements.
    Thx in advance,

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